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Monday, December 16, 2019

~~ Seven wants ~~

This is my fourth post for this challenge – to post seven wants. Let me see where I go with this one ๐Ÿ™‚
So here goes –

1. I want to be happy – just plain happy. Not that I am not now. I am in a happy place, but still. Again, this doesn’t mean I want to be super rich or super smart or super whatever. No, I am ok with each day of the rest of my life to be as mundane or boring it can be – but yet be peaceful and happy ๐Ÿ™‚

2. I want all my near and dear ones also to have a peaceful and happy life.  I have seen a lot many people who cannot tolerate someone progressing well in life, a lot many people who feel very happy when someone falls down and struggles to climb up in life, a few who do not feel happy for other’s achievements or happiness, and a few more who will go to any extent to pull a person down with negative comments especially when that person is happy – and all I feel for such kind is pity.  The insecurity amuses me to no end. Anyone feeling happy for someone else’s misery is beyond my comprehension. I cannot do that. I don’t feel sad when others are happy. I don’t feel jealous of other’s achievements. I can only be happy for someone’s happiness or achievements(of course, if it's by fair means, otherwise I just roll my eyes for faking it and silently wish them better stuff). I want to stay the same – to be able to feel happy for others.

3. I want to be the best mom that I can be for my daughter – not perfect, I am still learning, but I still want to just as best as she needs me to be. As she grows up, I want her to know that I have always wanted her best. I want her to know that I have braved the world for her in ways I never had imagined I could before she came into my life and that I will always be there for her. I want her to know that I have tried my level best to create as many happy memories for her as possible.

4. I want to be a successful writer, someday. Miles to go, I know.

5. I love teaching. I used to give tuition to school kids during my school days and engineering days. The most satisfying part was to see my students getting interested in learning and then improving by leaps and bounds. Someday, I want to be able to resume teaching, if I can.

6. I want my house to have this cozy space –  just a couch, a foot rest, an easy chair, a swing – numerous books and a coffee table. Large windows would be an additional bonus.

7. I want to travel and be able to understand the historical significance of the places I visit – see the world as much as I can before I kick the bucket.

There you go, my seven wants – how about you?



  1. 6th is the easiest and very doable. Make it the first thing you do once lockdown ends. :) The rest are anyway a work in progress right?

    1. Yeah! But no space to do even that currently..that's why it has made it to this list๐Ÿ˜ž! There's just too much of the little one's stuff everywhere..someday someday this will definitely get done ☺

  2. From this list I want to be happy, for myself and for others, be a writer and travel the world too. I don't know anything about being a parent but I'm sure you're already the best mom your kid can hope for :)

  3. Awwww.. that's the sweetest comment ๐Ÿคฉ Thank you ๐Ÿ˜‡


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