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Friday, February 02, 2018

~~ [Post 2] – Pay it forward ~~

Well Well, I have always wanted to use this title in one of my blog posts. The movie by that name just shook me to the core. Highly recommended. Do watch. However, this post is not about that movie.
So, have you ever wondered if fairies existed in real? I did when I was little but then life happened. But, just last year, I found out, apparently they do exist, at least the ones for books. So, who is this book fairy? Well, it can be me, you, anyone for that matter, who would want to spread the joy of reading. Surprised? Now, I came to know of this interesting concept last year when Little Hermione aka Emma Watson made news by placing a few of her favorite books in various accessible locations for readers to find. The concept originated in UK but has now spread its wings to every corner of the world. Its a pay-it-forward initiative when you as a fairy, pass on a book you enjoyed, for free, by placing it anonymously, in some random location with or without a personalized message, which then gets picked by some random person and the chain continues. There are official stickers, ribbons and bookmarks that you can purchase to make it known that the book is from a book fairy so the reader who picks it up understands about the initiative and is able to do his/her bit, by passing it on. I am not very sure if its mandatory to do this purchase part, but if you want to register yourself as a book fairy, then I guess, it is. I will let you google and figure that out. Very positive initiative, isn’t it?
I know one such book fairy. A book fairy, with a difference. Now, he doesn’t exactly leave books at random places for random people to find and pass it on, not as of now, maybe he will from now on, now that I have introduced him to this concept, but he has done much more for his love of reading than just passing on a book. His innovative ideas on book sharing is quite successful and he single handedly manages the whole workflow. Only difference from the original definition of book fairy where the book moves forward, in his workflow, books are returned back to the owners after the readers are done, but then who is bothered about that kind of technicality here, he still deserves to be called a book fairy. With his addiction for reading, he has elevated himself from asking recommendations from us just a few years ago to where he currently inspires us by devouring books like he has been hungry for ages.  All I need to do is read his Goodreads daily status updates, to remind myself to go pick a book and read 🙂 
Balaiah - You are that one person I know who deserves the Book Fairy Award if there is ever one!
Now, are you wondering will I be one or am I one? Honestly, in the official book fairy terms that I just explained above, I dont think so. I have passed on a few books to libraries, but when it comes to my own favorite books, I have not been able to part with them, nor lend them. Every time I wanted to share the joy of reading a particular book that I enjoyed, I have always purchased and gifted it, to whoever I wanted to share it with, but, never given out any of mine. So, I dont know, if I can still be considered a book fairy, in the official sense. It doesn’t matter, as I do my bit if I am inclined to, just with a teeny tiny difference, I actually pay-it-forward 🙂
And, well, to the most important part of this post,  are you a book fairy or do you want to become one? Can you part with your books or purchase books and pass it on? If yes, you can google for the “I believe in book fairies” official site to register yourself and purchase those cute goodies to leave with your book that you intend to pass on.
Psst, be kind, wannabe fairies, start with me 👿 Leave your first book, as a book fairy, for me, where I can find them :mrgreen:

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