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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

~~[Post 14] - Euphoria ~~

This 55F is written for a prompt given by a fellow blogger "Euphoria".

Will she come today? 
Will she make any excuse?
She did look a bit down yesterday.
This wait.  Every day. Heart wrenching.
Should I just call? What if she doesn’t pick the phone like always?
Ah, finally, there she is. An euphoric feeling engulfs me.
“Akkaaaaaaaa, sorry, am late, are the clothes ready to wash?”


P.S: I cannot believe I am already half way through the blogathon! I should have probably blogged about that euphoric feeling today :)
P.P.S: This is dedicated to many of those women who work in everyone's homes to make their own ends meet. I do not have a house help yet. But this exactly is what I have seen happening most of the mornings in houses who do have house help.  

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