Yes, the month long marathon was no less than a battle. A battle to honor a commitment, A battle to ensure that all your other responsibilities at work and personal life has not been compromised and yet a post is published even if the day is officially nearing an end, a battle to ensure that the prompts given by RaRa are honored, a battle to ensure that topics chosen are diverse.... Oh, quite a busy and an overwhelming month!
It has been an enriching experience to write every single day. It's been wonderful staying connected to all of you on a daily basis, for the past 28 days. There have been boring posts, long posts, 55F's, Zentangle posts(mostly on weekends), rants, stories, and yet there have been people who have very faithfully read, liked, left a comment in my internal blogspace. Nothing can be more rewarding to a blogger than someone reading and commenting on their posts, so, I am totally completely humbled by each of your responses and likes. This time, few bloggers even pinged/mailed me to inform that they have felt inspired to take up blogging/blogathon soon, and this in itself has made me immensely happy to have taken this difficult journey just on an impulse.
At the end, I have realized, it all boils down to the passion you feel for something. A passion within you to write, no matter what. If you are passionate enough about a writing goal, you'll set aside some time to write, daily, not as a chore, but as an activity that enriches you, makes you happy and that's what it did to me, this month!
Now, having blabbered enough all through the February month, I do not want to go on and on in this post, so, it's time to pull the curtains on this marathon. I enjoyed writing, reading and responding to your comments, and I hope you had an enjoyable read and a ride too.
Do you have any one post from this marathon that you'd like to mark your favorite or would want to go back and read again and again!! Do let me know (Note: If you have more than one, you can mention them too :P that'd make me super happy - I can already hear someone's *mind-voice* going #ishtathuku and "aasa dosa appalam vada" which is basically nothing but, huh, you wish :P )
If you have missed any blogathon post - follow this link - This will lead you to all 28 posts of the month and you can choose to read the day you want to. (I know, you must be wondering, that if you haven't read them when it originally came in as an alert, then, there's no chance you are going to read now :P , but hey, a little girl(ahem) can try to get you read the posts, right?)
So lovely people, its time to end the marathon with a good note - THANK YOU everyone for taking time from your busy schedules, for reading, liking, leaving a comment, feeling inspired and also for sharing my posts. Believe me, because of you, February has been a happy month.
Well, you can make March a happy one too - just go read, like, comment :)