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Monday, June 05, 2017

~~ Day 5: The Relief ~~

Originally written on Dec 5 2015 –

Finally started getting those awaited responses today.  Many pinged back & many whatsapp’ed  throughout the day!

Relief is the word!!

As I write this ending a tiring Saturday, striking things of the to-do list that were completed today, I remember that dreadful Saturday in November 2005, where the waiting proved futile! The water didn’t drain for the whole day though we kept on staring at it now and then, like, doing so would help in any way!!Aunty had transformed into Chechi in no time… Lot of intelligent conversations took shape though I don’t remember most of it…Sometimes during those conversations I felt just like Joey would (I didn’t even know about Joey then and well, hey, you don’t need to know everything about everything right?)…Chechi had 2 naughty kids and with their pranks,  school stories and their unassuming derivation of happiness in declaring that they might not be able to go to school next week for a valid reason, passing time was not that big a deal!! Their enthusiasm kept us motivated…We learnt few new games from the little one of the two as well!!  As evening set in, we couldn’t really deduce the water levels outside as there was still no power, but, since it didn’t rain, we were confident that it definitely didn’t increase!! I had never ever thought that my first candle light dinner (outside family) would be with Chechi’s family & my roommate  Me and my roommate slept with those 2 naughty kids in their room with our phone batteries still holding strong!! I don’t remember drifting to sleep but I do remember waking up and rushing to window to check status!! Sundays are supposed to be bright and sunny, right? It was no where bright or sunny, but, at least, the sight was promising, water levels had reduced, though it had not completely drained…

Relief is the word!!

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