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Friday, June 16, 2017

~~ Day 16: Meme: Would you rather ~~

Originally written on Dec 16 2015
Ok, Major-Writer-Block-Syndrome and its just the 16th day! But I am not giving up – what are memes for? So here you go, another would you rather meme that I picked from another blogspace

  1. Would you rather be stuck on an island alone or with someone who talks incessantly? I would prefer company to loneliness.
  2. Would you rather be too hot or too cold? Too cold!
  3. Would you rather have a cook or a maid? None… I cannot be rude nor sweet talk them into getting work done, I also cannot take that burden of monitoring their work and then getting disappointed about it and being forthright about it too….so no, just not worth the pressure, when I can invest that time to get things done on my own.
  4. Would you rather be the youngest or the oldest sibling? I am already the older one, I always have wanted to be the youngest one, just so I get pampered by an older sibling.
  5. Would you rather get rich through hard work or through winning the lottery? Win lottery, yet be humble enough to sustain those riches through hard work.
  6. Would you rather have a 10-hour dinner with a headstrong politician from an opposing party, or attend a 10-hour concert for a music group you detest? 10-hour concert, any day!
  7. Would you rather be an Olympic gold medalist or a Nobel Peace Prize winner? I might go for the peace prize
  8. Would you rather have a desk job or an outdoor job? What’s an outdoor job – as in journalist or field work? No, I am not cut out for that work. So desk job it is.
  9. Would you rather live at the top of a tall NYC apartment building or at the top of a mountain? Top of a mountain – but maybe just during a vacation!
  10. Would you rather have Rambo or The Terminator on your side? The Terminator
  11. Would you rather be proposed to in private or in front of family and friends? In Private
  12. Would you rather have to sew all your clothes or grow your own food? Grow my own food
  13. Would you rather hear the good news or the bad news first? Good news Good news first! Bad news can wait.
  14. Would you rather be your own boss or work for someone else? Huh, that’s a bit tricky, haven’t figured that out yet, I guess! For now, I would always prefer to work for someone who I can look up to and learn loads from…
  15. Would you rather have nosy neighbors or noisy neighbors? Noisy neighbors
  16. Would you rather be on a survival reality show or dating game show? Survival reality show
  17. Would you rather be too busy or be bored? Too busy than bored
  18. Would you rather watch the big game at home or live at the stadium? LIVE LIVE LIVE … Anything watched LIVE cannot match watching telecast
  19. Would you rather spend the day with your favorite athlete or you favorite movie star? Hmm…I am not a sports-loving-person and don’t have any favorite athlete as such, I used to have favorites in movie stars long long back and so, maybe, a movie star!
  20. Would you rather live where it is constantly winter or where it is constantly summer? Would prefer winter, though my sensitive skin would definitely disagree – I wouldn’t mind a few days of summer here and there

As always, please free to pick this up and pass it on!!!

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