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Sunday, April 12, 2020

~~ [Weekly Prompts – 19.15]: All alone up in the sky ~~

Originally written in my other blogspace on April 15 2019...  I used to give weekly prompts then for the organization internal blogspace.
Hola from the roo-land!
My blogging journey began when I was in USA and today after about a decade..I am writing again from a different country...
This is my first ever lone onsite trip to a country after being to US about a decade back and staying there for a couple of years...I was single then, had friends there when I reached. Things have changed now, very very much. I don’t exactly remember what I had been thinking the whole long lonely plane trip to USA back then, partly also because the plane was full of screaming babies  and you really cannot think in those circumstances. But this time, leaving a young kid behind, was a nightmare. As I sat all alone at that window seat on the airplane and watched the fluffy clouds pass beneath the plane, all I could think of was my little girl and how this was going to be a huge leap for me and her in our relationship – this separation, this staying apart. People who know us very well, know how protective I am of her and how much of a mommy's girl she is...We have never stayed apart and it was not going to be easy for both of us 🙁
But then,  when the situation and time demands, you need to adapt and learn. You just need to move forward.
Anyways, as a part of the prompt for this past week, imagine that you are leaving someone important behind and traveling half way across the world because of some commitment - pen those thoughts that cross your mind as you travel...
Get going!

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