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Sunday, April 02, 2017

~~ [Meme]: Random Questions - Part III ~~

Part II of the meme here
Originally written on 22/03/2017
Describe a person that inspires you.
My mom. She’s that one person who in every which way has made me the person I am today (let me admit, I am still nowhere close to being like her).  I never have needed to go any far to gain inspiration. If I smile through and battle through any odds, it is only because, I remind myself on how she has done it and is still as soft hearted(not soft spoken) as she can be to maintain the do-good attitude without an inkling of hatred for anyone or anything which might have caused her any pain or suffering. She’s so much different to me, is what I always feel, but then, somewhere, I also feel, that, maybe, she was just like me, when she was my age, and may be, just , may be, I might turn out to be like her when I turn her age. Only time will tell.
I have written about a hundred blog posts about various things & many many people that are part of my life. But words have always failed me, when I have tried to write for her, about her. I have never really dedicated even a post for her and I guess I will never be able to do justice even if I try. She had just completed her bachelor in Arts when she got married. Marriage, 2 kids, house-wife stint was the normal norm in her times, yet, she was not satisfied. She enrolled for her B.Ed when we kids grew up to be able to take care of ourselves. Completed it, became a teacher. She didn’t sit idle just like how many of us tend to do once we settle down in the comfort zone of our jobs. After a couple of years, she went on to enroll for M.A and I still remember she studying for her M.A exams alongside me when I used to study for my engineering exams. This, when she had a full time job, no house help and no particular help from husband or us kids too. She completed her M.A and became a lecturer. She then went on to get her M.Phil. degree around the time I got married. In the mean time, once me and brother settled down, she enrolled for her music classes and completed Junior exam and also learnt a 2 wheeler and now is in the process of learning 4-wheeler. All this in spite of we being a typical middle class family which never had any house help or kitchen help around. When I look back, I don’t even know when she had all the time to do all those multiple things, because she has always been perfect at her job, has been a perfect mother and the perfect wife. For me, she is perseverance and hard-work personified.
She has retired from her full time job now, but, never does a minute of her goes wasted, she’s always finding ways to not sit idle even for a minute when the granny-aged-me (yeah, not her) just does that when I get a few minutes to spare. She’s always on the lookout for the next thing to do, always on her toes, always up to something to keep herself busy – learning, creating, helping someone, taking care of my child, cooking, okay, I should just say, just being her. She misses her job and is ready to take on another one, and only my and my brother’s repeated pleas to not do that, has bound her now.  Well, I can go on and on – but then, it will never be enough. So yes, Mom it is!
Describe the last time you were very angry at someone. 
Myself. I trust people easily and always end up heartbroken.
Do you want to live until you’re 100? 
If I am blessed with forever young and healthy life, why not. Otherwise, NO.
Do people change? If so, how do you keep a relationship together when both of you start to change?
Of course, people change. Maybe the basic nature doesn’t change much, but yes, people do change and adapt based on the experiences they go through in their respective lives. And, in terms of relationships, I guess, if you love each other enough, no change matters that much.
Have you ever risked a friendship by telling someone you liked them? 
No, never had such a situation
Would you rather be alone doing something you enjoy, or doing something you don’t like with your best friends? 
I would rather be alone doing something I enjoy
Have you ever laughed uncontrollably when it was socially inappropriate? 
Story of my life, so, yes, most of the time.
When have you felt most alive? 
During live shows like Orchestra/Music shows/Dance performances.
Where would you prefer to live? A city? The suburbs? The countryside? The mountains? 
I am not much of a city life person. As I mentioned in the first part of this meme, the quarters that we vacated 2 years back would be the place I would prefer to live.
Do you often skip breakfast? 
I used to when at onsite. My breakfast would be just a glass of milk, lunch – just a bowl of fruits and dinner would be an elaborate vegetarian spread cooked carefully by self. Apparently the reason of my gaining weight. I don’t skip breakfast anymore.
Would you want to know the exact date and time you were going to die?
No, I would be in constant fear then.. So, No.
What have you never tried, but would really like to someday? What’s holding you back? 
Always have wanted to do these adrenaline-rush activities like bungee jumping, sky diving, hot air balloon rides! What’s holding me back? Well, I want to say, fear, but no, fear didn’t stop me from trying those scariest and longest and steepest roller coaster rides in Universal studios, Disney land or the Six Flags – I tried every ride possible which didn’t manage to scare the group as a whole. I did close my eyes shut and screamed at the top of my lungs the whole time on those scary roller coasters, but I did it!!  So, well, nothing’s holding me back except for a brave company who can tolerate my ear-splitting screams through this *whatsapp-forefinger-on-the-chin-smiley*!
How do you express your creativity? 
By writing (I don’t think I write creative stuff, but still), dancing, singing (though am not that good at it), painting, cooking and very recently, zentangling !
Give me the story of your life in six words.
“What the hell is going on”

Phew – That completes the meme 
Go on, take it forward and spread the randomness....

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